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Wednesday, July 01, 2009

TRICARE for Life (TFL) in jeopardy?

TRI-CARE for Life in Jeopardy:
Widest dissemination is encouraged for a retired benefit program that may be in extremis.
Note: your scribe slightly edited this entry to remove quasi-political statements of the originator:
To: Military Retirees:

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has drafted legislation that would
basically reduce our TRICARE for Life [TFL] benefits to a system whereby we
pay deductibles and co-pay up to $6,301 the first year for you and your
spouse, with future years being indexed to increase with inflation.

What can we do? The article below, obtained from an Air
Force Association and written by BG Bob Clements, best describes what we
can do.
TRICARE For Life was instituted to correct the broken
promise that military retirees would receive free healthcare coverage
for life and it covers the Medicare co-pay. Now a heavy assault has
begun on Veterans'/Retirees' benefits to pay for other programs.
An item of high interest to Retired Military personnel is in
Article 189. If approved by Congress the first assault wave would hit in
2011 and would hit hard. It would initiate cost sharing to require
retirees to pay the first $525 of medical cost and 50% of the next
$4,725 for a first year cost of $2,888 per person. It would be indexed
to increase with inflation.
For those of you who are or will be covered by TFL you will want to
pay attention to what has surfaced about the
future of TFL.

On page 189 of the Congressional Budget
Office report, there is a strong recommendation to eventually
eliminate the TFL program as it is too

You may visit the Congressional Budget Office Website to see this recommendation:
a. Budget, Options, Volume 1: Health Care

1. click on the PDF button
2. search for TFL

There is a prospect that you might lose one of the best
healthcare benefits that Medicare-eligible retired military have. It
is short of the promises made that we fought so hard for back in the
late 90s and early 2000s but it is still the best healthcare program
that anyone in the United States has, bar none.

A way to help secure your benefits is to write to your
members of Congress and to keep writing and writing and writing.

Remember- TFL is an "Earned Benefit" that's been granted
by a previous Congress.

And etc.,

3. Local Chapter's Summer Picnic - to be held at the Admiral Baker Field, Saturday August 29th.
Watch for email updates and visit our revamped website ( ).
You don't want to miss the Mighty MO(wins) burgers and AIRDALE kegger.

4. Good luck - Class of 2013!
"I" Day for the Flower Children of '75 (including me) was only 42 years and 1 day ago.
Kudos to our local Blue and Golders that helped to produce one of the highest plebe and prep school "yields" in recent history.


Blogger Steve said...

Please keep an eye on the Military Officers Organization of America for up to date information on this topic:

It is VERY important to monitor the true and actual facts on this matter ESPECIALLY with regard to this particular message (seen above) that has been making it's rounds on email.

Knowing the facts helps to squelch the spread of myths and false information. You don't want to look like one of those knee-jerk forwarders that don't check the facts first.

I, myself, will be keeping a close eye on what this health care bill is saying and I hope you do to.

3:00 PM


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